Saturday, July 26, 2008

You Have Been Tagged

When you tag an object, you are leaving your mark on it. It says you created this piece of art with your own style and uniqueness. Everyone who views it will see a little piece of you, knowing you had your creative hands on it and with careful detail put your idea or dream on it. You have your own special signature that says "this is mine". Well, Jesus has tagged YOU. He has put his own special signature on your heart and you are to reflect His glory and His personality everyday. He had in mind exactly what He wanted when he created you. He formed you while you were in your mother's womb and breathed life into your body. He tagged you with His cross and you will never be the same. Do you reflect what Jesus had in mind when He hung on that cross for you? Are you proudly displaying that you have been tagged by the KING?

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